
SonarQube configuration tutorial

This post will be a simple tutorial to install, configure and use SonarQube to analyse your project code quality. This tutorial will be directed to C# and JavaScript projects in a Windows environment.

1- Download SonarQube

2- Create a SQL Server database

If you don’t have SQL Server installed download SQL Server Express, a free and limited SQL Server edition option (SQL Server editions comparison here).

Run the following command:


Just after this command the collation from the recently created database needs to be changed as recommended in the SonarQube website:

TypeScript + Webpack

Hey, hello! As always, it’s been a long time since I posted. Anyway, probably nobody cares besides me so I just going to straight to the point to be discussed in the post, a simple integration between TypeScript and Webpack.

First of all, this post assumes you already know a little about JavaScript and already heard about - or used - a task-runner like Grunt or Gulp.

Defining TypeScript

In a nutshell TypeScript is a javascript-based kind of language that compiles to JavaScript. TypeScript most important feature is being statically typed, bypassing JavaScript dynamic nature and allowing the development of big, scalable applications more easily.

Resumo do primeiro dia do BrazilJS 2015

Daí pessoal, tudo certo? Resolvi fazer este post com um pequeno resumo das palestras do primeiro dia do BrazilJS 2015. É importante destacar que tudo aqui escrito vem da minha experiência do evento e de tudo aquilo que pude absorver e/ou achei interessante o bastante para comentar.

Espero que atenda as tuas expectativas!

Palestra 1 - Christian Heilmann - ES6 - Baseline para a web moderna?

O Chris procurou falar sobre dois pilares bastante discutidos entre desenvolvedores JavaScript: a nova versão do ECMAScript, o ES6 e sobre comos precisamos depositar todos os nossos esforços em trazer a maior quantidade de boas funcionalidades para o browser ao invés de ficar “apenas” criando frameworks, bibliotecas e trabalhando com JavaScript em ambientes fechados como no NodeJS. Alguns pontos interessantes que ele levantou: